Discover the A Way Home website

On this website you can find information on the European project A Way Home. We work on better after care policies for young people and we build local coalitions to fight youth homelessness. We share with you practical guidelines, tools and instruments, local action plans, ... to inspire your community, region or country to fight youth exclusion all over Europe:

  • Transition Support Tools for service providers working with young people and young adults. We work on a policy framework with 6 guidelines for succesful aftercare policies that your organisation can use as statement of intent, a toolbox with a range of methods to prepare young people on their transition from out-of-home care and a training and peergroup learning to support care providers working with youngsters that are leaving care.
  • A Way Home Model for local coalitions of policy makers, service providers and community organisations from very diverse sectors who want to end and prevent youth homelessness. You find key concepts of this model, guidelines on how to start a local coalition and how to develop an acton plan, ... We provide you also with concrete information on how other A Way Home coalitions look like and which actions they develop and implement.
Jelle Vermeersch