Duty to assist

"We belong to society and would like to play an active role in shaping it!"

In principle it must be noted that the Carinthian Child and Youth Welfare Act 2013 in § 48 firmly anchors help for young adults as a measure of child and youth welfare. All young adults over the age of 18 can be granted outpatient help or assistance in the form of care with close relatives, carers or in socio-educational institutions. The prerequisite for this is that educational assistance is provided at the age of 18 and that there is a necessity to achieve the objectives of the assistance plan.

Our ambitions

Already in 2016, several child and youth welfare institutions from Carinthia were involved in the "Welcome to life" project. The project "Welcome to Life" aimed on the one hand at the direct and concrete support of the careleavers through individual discussions and consultations, workshops and practical exercises and through mentors provided by them. On the other hand, the networking of the Care Leavers with each other via social media and established meeting points with the aim that they actively take their situation into their own hands and also articulate their concerns themselves and communicate them up to the political level played an important role. From both projects the participating institutions could and can derive and implement strategies and measures to prepare and accompany the young adults on their way to independence in the best possible way.